# Metrics Functionality

This document aims to guide users on how to use the metrics functionality of Sermant to monitor core metrics and custom metrics of plugins in real-time through monitoring tools such as Prometheus.

# Feature Introduction

To meet users' needs for real-time monitoring of Sermant's operational status and performance, as well as in-depth insights into plugin behavior, Sermant integrates Prometheus monitoring support. Users can monitor core metrics and custom metrics of plugins through monitoring tools like Grafana and set up metric-based alerts to proactively identify potential issues, ensuring service stability.

# Development Example

The following demonstrates how to create custom metrics for plugins based on the project from the Creating Your First Plugin document.

  1. In the io.sermant.template.TemplateInterceptor class under the template\template-plugin module, obtain the MetricService instance via ServiceManager to access the metrics service for custom metrics:

    MetricService metricService = ServiceManager.getService(MetricService.class);
  2. Use the APIs provided by MetricService to perform relevant operations, such as creating Counters, Gauges, Timers, and Summaries.

     public ExecuteContext doBefore(ExecuteContext context) {
         // Increment a custom plugin metric named 'custom.counter', adding two tags: 'type=http' and 'scope=myFirstPluginId'
         // The 'scope' tag is added through Tags.of().addScope(pluginId)
         metricService.counter("custom.counter", Tags.of("type", "http").addScope("myFirstPluginId")).increment();
         // Increment a Sermant core metric named 'custom.counter2', adding two tags: 'service=heartbeat' and 'scope=core'
         // The 'scope' tag is added through Tags.of().addCoreScope() or Tags.of().addScope("core")
         // Note: Sermant core metrics cannot be created within plugins
         metricService.counter("custom.counter2", Tags.of("service", "heartbeat").addCoreScope()).increment();
         return context;
  3. Enable the Metric service by configuring the agent/config/config.properties file as follows:

    Note: The Metric service relies on the metrics endpoint exposed by the HTTP Server service, so the HTTP service must be enabled first.

    # HTTP server switch
    # Metric service switch
  4. Configure Prometheus to scrape the metrics endpoint exposed by Sermant: http://localhost:47128/sermant/metrics. In the Prometheus prometheus.yml file, configure as follows:

     # job_name is the name of the scraping job, each job name should be unique
     - job_name: 'sermant-example'
       # metrics_path specifies the path to get metric data from sermant
       metrics_path: '/sermant/metrics'
       # targets list includes all sermant agent addresses that need to be scraped, in the format 'host:port'
         - targets: ['localhost:47128']
  5. Start Prometheus and verify the collection of metric data, as shown in the following image: pic

# API & Configuration


  1. Obtain the Metric service:

    MetricService metricService = ServiceManager.getService(MetricService.class);
  2. Custom Metrics

Developers can customize various types of metrics (Counter, Gauge, Timer, Summary) through the MetricService interface to monitor program runtime status.

  • Create a Counter type metric: used for counting, such as the number of requests. See Micrometer Counters (opens new window).

     // Obtain a MetricService instance for subsequent metric operations
     MetricService metricService = ServiceManager.getService(MetricService.class);
     // Create and obtain a counter object named 'custom.counter'
     // For Sermant core metrics, use Tags.of().addCoreScope() or Tags.of().addScope("core") as the 'scope' tag
     // For plugin metrics, add 'pluginId' as the 'scope' tag through Tags.of().addScope(pluginId)
     // Adding the 'scope' tag here is to distinguish between sermant core metrics and sermant plugin metrics
     Counter counter = metricService.counter("custom.counter", Tags.of().addScope("myFirstPluginId"));
     // Increment the counter's value, typically used to record the number of occurrences, such as the number of requests or tasks completed
  • Create a Gauge type metric: used to display current values, such as memory usage. See Micrometer Gauges (opens new window).

     // Get MetricService instance for subsequent metric operations
     MetricService metricService = ServiceManager.getService(MetricService.class);
     // Create a gauge metric named "custom.gauge"
     // For Sermant core metrics, use Tags.of().addCoreScope() or Tags.of().addScope("core") as the scope tag
     // For plugin metrics, use Tags.of().addScope(pluginId) to add 'pluginId' as the scope tag
     Gauge gauge = metricService.gauge("custom.gauge", Tags.of().addScope("myFirstPluginId"));
     // Set the gauge value to 1, representing the current value of a specific measurement
  • Create a Timer type metric: used to record time, such as method execution time. See Micrometer Timers (opens new window).

     // Get MetricService instance for subsequent metric operations
     MetricService metricService = ServiceManager.getService(MetricService.class);
     // Create a timer named "custom.timer" to measure and record time
     // For Sermant core metrics, use Tags.of().addCoreScope() or Tags.of().addScope("core") as the scope tag
     // For plugin metrics, use Tags.of().addScope(pluginId) to add 'pluginId' as the scope tag
     // The scope tag is used to differentiate between core metrics and plugin metrics
     Timer timer = metricService.timer("custom.timer", Tags.of().addScope("myFirstPluginId"));
     // Record a specific duration, in this case, 10 seconds, using the timer
     timer.record(10L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  • Create a Summary type metric: used to record data distribution, such as request latency. See Micrometer Distribution Summaries (opens new window).

     // Get MetricService instance for subsequent metric operations
     MetricService metricService = ServiceManager.getService(MetricService.class);
     // Get a summary metric object named "custom.summary" to record subsequent data observations
     // For Sermant core metrics, use Tags.of().addCoreScope() or Tags.of().addScope("core") as the scope tag
     // For plugin metrics, use Tags.of().addScope(pluginId) to add 'pluginId' as the scope tag
     // The scope tag is used to differentiate between core metrics and plugin metrics
     Summary summary = metricService.summary("custom.summary", Tags.of().addScope("myFirstPluginId"));
     // Record a data observation value of 1.0 to the Summary metric object

# Configuration

In the Sermant Agent package agent/config/config.properties, you can enable the Metric service using agent.service.httpserver.enable and agent.service.metric.enable. Other configurations for the Metric service are also included in this file:

# The metric type, currently supports prometheus.
# The maximum number of metrics.
# Defines the common tag keys for metrics, with multiple keys separated by commas, the default values include "agent", "agent.app.name", "agent.ip" and "scope". For a complete list of available tag keys, refer to{@link io.sermant.core.service.metric.entity.MetricCommonTagEnum}.

The default common tags are agent, agent.app.name, agent.ip, and scope. Users can also specify the common tags to be used via metric.common.tag.keys.

Currently supported common tags are:

Tag Key Description
agent Fixed value, always set to "sermant"
agent.app.name The name of the Sermant application
agent.ip The IP address of the machine running Sermant
scope Specifies the scope of the Sermant metric. The default value is "undefined". For core metrics, use Tags.addCoreScope() to set the scope to "core". For plugin metrics, use Tags.addScope("pluginId") to set the scope to the plugin's ID
agent.service.name The name of the Sermant service
agent.app.type The type of the Sermant application
agent.artifact The Sermant artifact
agent.version The current version of Sermant

# Notes

  • The Metric service relies on the metrics endpoint exposed by the HTTP service, so ensure the HTTP service is enabled before using the Metric service.
  • Ensure correct usage of the MetricService API in plugins to avoid inaccurate or missing metric data.
  • When configuring Prometheus, ensure the correct HTTP server address and port for Sermant are set so that Prometheus can retrieve metric data from Sermant.
Last Updated: 1/6/2025, 1:35:44 AM